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Renovation of Building 4, Del Din Base - LEED Gold Certified
Vicenza, Italy, 2016-2021
Client: CLEA Società Cooperativa Costruzioni
Role: Final Design, Executive Design

Interplan was the Designer of Record for this Design-Built project awarded to contractor CLEA SC.
The general scope of work is the extensive repairs, conservative restoration, and expansion of Building 4, in the US Army Del Din Base, Vicenza, Italy.
Formerly called “Alloggi, circolo e mensa sottoufficiali”, Bldg 4 was built in the late ‘30s and it has been classified as a “Historical Building” landmark, subject to specific prescriptions and restrictions under surveillance by the Italian national Conservation authority. Repairs include the full seismic upgrade for the entire facility, and the construction of a new vertical circulation core with new stairs and elevators. The upgraded facility complies with current codes and standards, to include ABA (Architectural Barriers Act), Anti-Terrorism/ Force Protection (AT/FP), Life Safety and Host Nation Compliance. To that aim, all areas of the facility have been redesigned to be accessible, and new windows were designed to withstand blast in accordance with UFC-010-01. The purpose of the repair project is also to obtain an increase of the environmental and energy performance of the building, and its certification in accordance with LEED Silver rating. Final Design completed in fall 2016.
The LEED Gold certification was received in 2021.
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