Capitalizing the experience of the original architectural practice established in 1963, Interplan has increasingly become a point of reference for many international clients for the conception, design development, and realization of building projects and urban transformations in Italy and abroad.
The Studio offers a broad range of competences. We seek a shared understanding of the needs and objectives of our clients to transform their expectations into reality through the work of our multi-discipline team. Our approach aims at establishing a strong relationship with the geographical location in which to work. The additional value we propose to our clients is the creation of vibrant places rather than optimized land use. Interplan brings together experience, competence, state of the art technologies, and exceptional management skills, offering our clients the very best results.
Climate & Culture
Our architecture is largely influenced by Climate and Culture.
Climate can affect architecture at local level, or at continental scale, as well as Culture. Architecture is the art of creating consistent combinations of constructive measures aimed at the unfolding of the built form's relationship with Climate and Culture. From the proper definition of the relationship with Climate it comes sustainability, from that with Culture it comes the Architectural expression.
The control of both domain of research leads to architectural projects consistent with the requirements of contemporary communities.

Urban Design
Generating a Vision for urban transformation
Interplan’s urban projects are focused on defining a global vision about the future of the identified areas. The mediated process of consensus building at an institutional and social level passes through an open debate aimed at identifying the best territorial ambitions to be developed via a thematic design project. Traditional urbanism is superseded in this process by the introduction of an innovative “architectural” approach to the territorial plan.

Interior design
To greet, to wonder, to persuade
Interplan’s interior design projects are based on the analysis of behavioural phenomena. Activities such as selling, greeting, exhibiting and producing are constantly re-invented, while defining strategies shared with the client and tested in dozens of realizations internationally.

Energy and Sustainability
The Power of the Sun, Wind and Water
There is no such separation between sustainable and non-sustainable architecture, the difference is between good and bad architecture. Good architecture is always sustainable. Interplan’s projects implement the most suitable passive architectural strategies as well as the best active technologies chosen for their specific geographic location and mission. The integration of photovoltaic, geothermal, and water recycling technologies within the architectural expression is part of our daily debate with clients and consultants of the various disciplines. Minimal impact on the environment during construction, use and re-use, as well as intelligent use of technology ensures both budgets and sustainability objectives are met.
Interplan's is part of the Green Building Council Italia community, and our LEED Green Associate accreditation is a GBCI credential for professionals who have demonstrated core knowledge and understanding of green building principles and practices and the LEED Green Building Rating System for the support of sustainable design, construction and operation of buildings and neighborhoods.

Engineering and system integration
Construction documentation
The integrated multi-discipline design project is the result of a methodology finely tuned by experience, based on international standards and conforming to norm UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015. Interplan has become the reference point of many foreign operators aiming at developing construction projects in Italy, in conformity to local codes and preventing the risks of incomplete or scarcely detailed design, particularly with regards to the relationship with contractors. One of the causes of poorly detailed designs, often source of undesirable contractor’s reservations and change orders during work phases, is the inability of the designer to properly execute a full multi-disciplinary integration of all specialist contribution conveying into the project. Interplan specializes in this activity, based on periodical multi-discipline workshops, and that guarantees the development of fully constructable and perfectly consistent designs.

Construction site services
Worksite supervision and H&S
The experience acquired directly by Interplan in worksite supervision of complex projects is unique and international. In the last few years, our operating range in this field has expanded to several foreign countries such as the United States and Afghanistan, where we have made available expert personnel and sound worksite control methodologies, even in presence of difficult conditions, carrying out the work successfully.
In Italy and abroad, we have taken responsibility of complex worksites by dimension and location. Besides the mere documentation control and the operations supervision, our job consists of predicting problems before they arise and transform themselves into additional delays and costs. This preventive activity takes place by virtually anticipating all sequential work phases through planning and monitoring tools.
Through specific tools and actions we link responsibly all work packages and the parties involved in the construction phase through a continuous and coordinated flow of information. In such a context, the client is put in a decisional position having, if desired, Interplan as the sole point of contact for the project. Besides actual worksite supervision, Interplan provides health & safety coordination and assists in defining the worksite plan.