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Sabhia Gokçen International Airport retail areas
Istanbul, Turkey, 2010
Client: Setur Servis Turkye AS
Role: Interior Design

Woodhead Interplan, has completed the interior design project of the retail areas of the new terminal of the Sabhia Gokçen airport in Istanbul, allowing it to open on schedule, on 31 October 2010. The works had begun during the design phase to speed up the construction times. The Terminal, and with it the commercial areas designed by Woodhead Interplan, were inaugurated in the presence of the highest Turkish authorities. The project, winner of an international consultation carried out between 6 architectural firms, successfully introduced a vibrant and dynamic vision of space, for an unprecedented experience called "total journey" dedicated to the infrastructure passengers. The project was concerned with the masterplan and the full Interior Design services of 4,500 sqm retail areas in the new Terminal of Istanbul’s second airport (SGIA). Interplan supervised pedestrian flows simulations and established retail strategies for the project with the aim of maximizing foot fall and the “total experience” concept for the passengers.

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