Camillo and Alessandro Gubitosi co-founded Interplan2 Architects in 1993 and they have been co-responsible for the direction of the practice since its inception. Camillo advises major clients with their brief formulation and project realisation, and Alessandro provides design leadership to the office’s teams.
The firm has been responsible for major corporate HQ projects in Italy and internationally, as well as for Transport, Retail, and Urban Design projects. Some of her recent works, the Telecom Italia Rome-Pomezia Headquarters, the new NATO JFC Naples Headquarters, and the Green Living Shanghai Project, have been exhibited at Venice Biennale’s 15th International Architecture Exhibition in 2016. The office has repeatedly collaborated with eminent international architects such as Peter Eisenman and Zaha Hadid for joint projects in Italy, providing partnership, final design, construction documentation, and acting as architect of record. Current projects include the NATO SOC Logistics Complex in Taranto, Italy.
Interplan’s work focuses on the exploration of innovative built form and highly sustainable architectural systems. Member of the Italian Green Building Council, her research is based on the interaction between climate and culture.
Interplan works in conformity with UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 and we maintain a certified Quality System. All designs from the office are developed through Building Information Modelling (BIM).

Prof. Arch. Camillo Gubitosi
Author of major urban and building design projects in Italy and worldwide, Prof. Gubitosi is a founder of the Office, and he has been responsible for all projects completed by the practice, including many prize winning designs in the field of administrative, community, educational, medical and airport facilities.
He has been an Associate Professor of Architecture at the University of Naples "Federico II" and the author of several Architectural and Urban Planning books. As an educator, he has also been the curator of many International Architecture Exhibitions, Seminars, and Symposia.
Camillo advises major clients with their brief formulation and project realisation, and takes responsibility for coordinating the Office operations and business strategies.
Education and qualifications
Associate Professor of Architecture, University of Naples “Federico II” (1971-2006).
Reg. American Institute of Architects
Reg. Royal Institute of British architects
Post Graduate School, University of Rome – MS in Monument Restoration (1971).
University of Naples, “Laurea” MD in Architecture (1960).
Registered architect in Italy since 1961 (Naples #443).
Member of the City of Naples Planning Commission, 1990.
Winner of Fullbright Grants (1964 and 1978).

Arch. Alessandro Gubitosi
Co-founder of Interplan 2 Architects, Alessandro’s work is known internationally for his commitment to the exploration of innovative built form and highly sustainable architectural models and programs. A LEED Green Associate, he established the Green Building Council Italia Campania Chapter, and his research is based on the interaction between climate and culture.
Alessandro is an expert architect in the field of architectural and integrated engineering for Workplace, Retail, Defense, Residential and Transport facilities. His recent works as Interplan's Director of Design, the new Telecom Italia Rome Pomezia Headquarters, the new NATO JFC Naples Headquarters, and the Green Living Shanghai Project, have been exhibited at Venice Biennale’s 15th International Architecture Exhibition in 2016.
As Interplan’s Director of Design Alessandro takes responsibility for coordinating the design teams and the inter-disciplinary collaboration.
Education and qualifications
Entrusted professor of architecture, University of Naples “Federico II” (1999-2006), and Milan Polytechnic (1995-1998)
Doctorate degree (PHD) in Architecture, University of Naples “Federico II (1994).
Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design, Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, Preservation, New York, NY (1991).
Laurea degree cum laude, University of Naples Federico II School of Architecture (1989)
Extension Study Program, Architectural Association School of Architecture, London (1988)
7 days short course “Airside and Landside Airport Design”, Loughborough University, UK (1998)
LEED Green Associate, Green Building Certification Institute, (2012).
Certified BIM Manager as per UNI 11337-7 (2020)
Revit Architecture BIM training course, OSNAP, Naples (2016)
Health & Safety Work Coord. course, USPPI/ Ordine Architetti Napoli (1998 and 2013)
40 hours Value Engineering seminar, Engineering Field Activity Mediterranean, US DoD, Naples, Italy (1995).

Maria Paola Angarano
Quality Assurance

Deimi Buffa
Civil Engineer

Marco Panzera

Giulia Cerone

Davide Bianco

Ivana Calafato
Office Manager

Pasquale Cotena Cervasio
Architectural Assistant
Interplan is based in a central location in Naples, Italy. An international airport connected with major european cities is located 20 minutes away. Our offices are equipped with state of the art IT infrastructure, and our activity is supported by conference rooms, library, archive.
Interplan’s staff is made of experienced professionals guiding a team of skilled young architects and engineers specifically dedicated to each project. People at Interplan are involved in architectural and professional organizations, as well as academic activities including teaching, research and development. I2 offers professional competences capable of covering virtually each and every disciplinary field of design. When necessary, our internal staff is supported by external specialist consultants for specific areas, such as environmental engineering or telecommunications. They are customary highly qualified consultants, with which we have an already established co-operation relationship.
All activities at the office are executed in conformity with our certified Quality System, complying with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.

First Prize: Architectural Design Competition - Monte Gurtei School Complex, Nuoro, Nuoro, Italy (2017)
INARCH Campania Prize 2015 for new built work: NATO JFC HQ Naples (2016)
Green Coast Award: Pozzuoli Waterfront XXI project – Coast Expo 2013, Ferrara (2013)
First Prize: Architectural Design Competition - Modena Province Government Headquarters, Modena, Italy (2010)
Selected project: International Invited Design-build bid competition for the new Regione Lombardia Headquarters, Milano (2005).
Second Prize: International Invited Architectural Competition for the new NATO Central Headquarters, Brussels (2001 – in partnership w/ Atelier d’Architecture de Genval and SHK Architects UK).
First Prize: Architectural Design Competition for the City Hall of Bari, Italy (1999).
Honour Mention: 3rd Yokohama Urban Design International Competition, Yokohama, Japan (1992).
First Prize: Architectural Design Competition - Como Public Library, Como, Italy (1963).

Publications | Exhibitions
2022 - Il nuovo complesso NATO AGS Main Operating Base, Webuild
2019 - La nuova sede dell'ISTAT, in "100 Progetti italiani", Dell'Anna Editori, Roma
2016 - Time Space Existence, (Catalogo della mostra dell’evento collaterale alla 15a Mostra Internazionale di Architettura di Venezia) - Global Art Affairs Foundation, Venezia - pp. 134-135.
2015 - Rigore e variazioni, Ilias Nissim, in Modulo n. 395, giugno-luglio 2015, pp. 298-305
2014 - Il Nuovo Quartier Generale NATO JFC - in "100 Progettisti Italiani" a cura di Giancarlo Priori - Dell'Anna Editori, Milano
2014 - NATO JFC HQ in Vol. 1 – Office Headquarters III, HI Design International Publishing Co. Ltd., Shenzen, PR China
2013 - Case Architetture, Annuario 2013, Dell'Anna Editori, Milano - pp. 26-28
2012 - Il nuovo Quartier Generale NATO JFC - C.Gubitosi, A. Gubitosi - CLEAN Edizioni
2011 - La sfida della riconversione industriale - Il waterfront di Pozzuoli - in "Architettura del paesaggio" - Dic. 2011
2011 - Un pezzo di States sul Lago Patria - Ecco la nuova cittadella della Nato - in "Il Mattino" - Gennaio 2011
2010 - Interplan 2, sede Nato a Napoli - in "Il Sole 24 Ore" - Concorsi e Progetti
2010 - Interplan2 Architetti: NATO JFC HQ Naples - in "presS/Tmagazine" - n.08 anno 2010
2010 - Lago Patria cittadella internazionale con la nascita della nuova Nato - in "Corriere del Mezzogiorno" - Ottobre 2010
2010 - Napoli vuole l'Accademia della vela - in "Il Giornale di Bordo" - Settembre 2010
2010 - Pozzuoli, l'architettura al servizio dello sport - in Corriere del Mezzogiorno" - Luglio 2010
2010 - Gizzi: "Ecco i disegni per recuperare l'ecomostro di Pozzuoli" - In "Corriere del Mezzogiorno" - Febbraio 2010
2009 - Eisenmas firma la rinascita di Pozzuoli - in "Corriere del Mezzogiorno" - Dicembre 2009
2009 - Waterfront Flegreo, ok al piano Einsenman - in "Il Mattino" - Dicembre 2009
2009 - Ecco le Terme Gauthier - in "Chiaia Magazine" - Luglio/Agosto 2009
2009 - Una fonte termale a Chiaia - in "Corriere del Mezzogiorno" - Luglio 2009
2009 - Pozzuoli XXI : "Forum Campi Flegrei 2010-2020" - Rassegna Stampa - Maggio 2009
2009 - La "nuova Pozzuoli" nasce sulle macerie della Sofer - in "Corriere del Mezzogiorno" - Maggio 2009
2009 - Alta velocità, c'è svolta per lo scalo di Afragola - in "Corriere del mezzogiorno" - Aprile 2009
2009 - La stazione di Eisenman? Sarà il Guggenheim di Pompei - in "Corriere del Mezzogiorno" - Aprile 2009
2008 - Hotel, musei e mare la sfida dell'ex Sofer - in "Il Mattino" - Marzo 2008
2008 - Pozzuoli: metrò, tunnel e moli ecco il nuovo fronte del mare - in "Il Mattino" - Gennaio 2008
2008 - Pompei Station: Eisenman firma lo scalo di Villa dei Misteri - in "La Repubblica" - Gennaio 2008
2008 - Pompei, ecco la stazione d'arte per i turisti - in "Il Mattino" - Gennaio 2008
2007 - Clean and Green: il magazine australiano “Voi Tutti” intervista Alessandro Gubitosi sull’architettura sostenibile ed il progetto per un edificio sperimentale ad alta efficienza energetica a Shanghai
2007 - Waterfront, è firma turismo all'ex Sofer - in "Il Mattino" - Novembre 2007
2007 - Sofer, un parco turistico nell'ex fabbrica - in "Il Mattino" - Settembre 2007
2006 - Dal genio di Eisenman le nuove stazioni di metrò e Circum - in "Corriere del Mezzogiorno" - Giugno 2006
2006 - Pompei, firma d'autore per le stazioni Circum - I progetti a Eisenman - in "Il Mattino" - Giugno 2006
2005 - Un parcheggio interrato nel salotto di Napoli - in "Corriere del Mezzogiorno" - Aprile 2005
2004 - Progetto Waterfront il tunnel di via Acton passerà sotto il mare - in "Il Mattino" - Aprile 2004
2004 - Stazione Marittima di Salerno, da un ostrica i turisti del futuro - in "Corriere del Mezzogiorno" - Febbraio 2004
2004 - A Lago Patria la prima pietra della Nato del futuro - in "Corriere del Mezzogiorno" - Gennaio 2004
2004 - A Lago Patria la prima pietra della Nato del futuro - in "Corriere del Mezzogiorno" - Gennaio 2004
2004 - Bagnoli dice addio alla Nato nasce la cittadella Lago Patria - in "La Repubblica" - Gennaio 2004
2004 - Nasce la nuova cittadella Nato a Lago Patria - in "Il Mattino" - Gennaio 2004
2003 - Coppa America, una base nautica d'autore - in "il Mattino" - Settembre 2003
2002 - Nuovo Quartier Generale NATO AFSOUTH, Napoli - in "l’Arca" n. 166 - Gennaio 2002, Milano
1999 - Nuova Sede Municipale di Bari, sul settimanale Italia Oggi, Milano
1995 - Progetto per un punto della città lineare di Napoli - in "l’Arca" n. 90 - Febbraio, Milano
1995 - Pubblicità involuzione, tre inserzioni critiche per l’architettura in “Ventre, la rinascita dell’architettura” n. 1 - Aprile 1995, Napoli
1992 - Printing Press, Memory Theatre, New Waldorf Astoria Hotel, parte di Ocular New York - in "Ocular New York", Catalogo della mostra, CLEAN, Napoli.
1992 - Printing Press, Memory Theatre, New Waldorf Astoria Hotel, parte diOcular New York - in "l’Arca" n. 56 - Gennaio, Milano.
1992 - Anti-historical Museum - in "Japan Architect" - Aprile, Tokyo.
1992 - Museo Anti-storico - in "l’Arca" n. 66 - Novembre, Milano.
1991 - Printing Press, Memory Theatre, New Waldorf Astoria Hotel, parte diOcular New York - in "Abstract" Columbia University GSAAP - New York.
1991 - Printing Press, Memory Theatre, New Waldorf Astoria Hotel, parte diOcular New York - in "Ocular New York", Catalogo della mostra , Galleria AEDES, Berlino
1991 - Progetto Bovisa - in "L'Arca" n. 53 - Ottobre, Milano.
1987 - Santa Inquisizione , in "Project review 1986-1987" Architectural Association School of Architecture, Londra.
1978 - Progetto per un "Centro Culturale" a Boston , Mass. , U. S. A.. su Domus in occasione del cinquantenario).
1970 - Progetto "Copley Center", Complesso Direzionale a Boston, U. S. A.. su Domus.
1968 - Indagine sul centro antico di Brindisi. Catalogazione dei monumeti - Lettura spazio-visiva dell'ambiente urbano, sui quaderni dell'Isituto di Analisi Architettonica, Facoltà di Architettura di Napoli. 1967 - Ristrutturazione del Castel dell'Ovo di Napoli, sui quaderni monografici dell'Accademia Pontaniana.
1967 - Padiglione italiano alla Mostra Internazionale di Helsinki (Finlandia), su "L'Architettura, cronache e storia" n. 136, Febbraio 1967.
Packard Humanities Institute
Terna SpA
Agenzia del Demanio
North Atlantic Treaty Organizazion (NATO)
Italian Ministry of Defence
Italian Air Force
Italian Army
Telecom Italia SpA
Consorzio Ferroviario Vesuviano
Renera Energy Italy S.r.l.
Ambasciata d'Italia a Varsavia
Setur Servis Turistik AS
Technologists, Inc.
Kiton SpA
Oviesse SpA
Coin SpA
US Corps of Engineers Europe
US Navy
US Air Force
CLEA Società Cooperativa Costruzioni
Landolfi e Traettino Costruzioni Srl
Enne Hotels Srl
Shanghai Kingburg Decoration Engineering
Sabesa SpA
Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali di Pompei
Zaha Hadid Architects
Pizzarotti SpA
City of Eboli, Salerno